Sunday, 1 December 2019

2nd Trip to Pulau Semakau

And so, I was lucky to make another trip to Pulau Semakau this time organised by Tampines Central CSC. This fist time I went to Pulau Semakau was probably in 2013 which the post is here.

And I am very shocked so much has changed! Assuming that it was really 2013 that I went, we really are filling our landfill FAST.

So this is the picture I posted in my previous post:

Check out the Old Pulau Semakau at

And this is the picture of Pulau Semakau map I took in Nov 2019
Now, all the phrase 1 cells (apart from cell 3 is filled up)

So as we can see, soon we will have not more space to dump our rubbish. Time  to reduce, reuse and recycle. We can tell this from how fast the cells are filling up. In the past, most of the cells were still water (lots of space to dump ash waste) now its all filled up.

Now, the journey to Pulau Semakau involved taking a boat from Pasir Panjang Ferry Terminal. The environs of the terminal is itself note worthy.

Blk 151 of Pasir Panjang Distripark now lies as a shadow of the past

Now abandoned Distripark
 However, not all is quiet as this place is a haven for all those who work in Semakau, Bukom and other off shore island.

Trotting towards Pasir Panjang Ferry terminal, it is a 1.2km walk from Pasir Panjang Ferry Terminal.

Signboard leading us to Pasir Panjang Ferry Terminal

Yay have finally reached!

Prob the best place to look at containerships in Singapore

So far, I have tried to find the best public place to look upclose at containerships in Singapore loading and unloading but to no avail. But this has to be the best!

At the Ferry terminal, there are a few shops that sell snacks as well as it detailed common users of the Pasir Panjang Ferry Terminal.

Common users: P.Busing, P.Semakau, P.Sebarok, Singapore Island Cruise.
Staff going to Bukom also uses this Ferry terminal

For staff going to Shell at P.Bukom
Now, Semakau has not changed much except for the fact that almost all the cells has been filled and NEA now has to "close the gap" to take in more waste.

P.Semakau Nov 2019, looking the same as before
I guess if there is any positive change, now with the gap closed etc, visitors can now view our 3 SAF islands Sudong, Pawai and Senang from Semakau.

There is also a fish farm nearby Semakau.

P. Sudong, Pawai and Senang?

P.Bukom from Semakau
Map screenshot from Navtronics
As we can see, around Pulau Semakau there are lots of reefs (those in green called Terumbu). Did  not get a chance but highly recommend visitors to go during low tide to check out the reefs. Did I mention Semakau also has inter-tidal walks?

Old Semakau post can be viewed here:

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